Category Archives: Coding

An AVL Tree im plementation in C

By | May 15, 2020

Here is an AVL tree implementation, a library called libmavl. You can download the source code as tarball: Also you might want to run tests which requires to install libmutests you can download here: You can browse the sour code via web:

Install Netbeans 8.2 on Ubuntu 18.04

By | September 3, 2018

First you have to install OpenJDK 8 because Netbeans doesn't work with OpenJDK 11 which is installed on Ubuntu 18.04 by default. sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk Next download here the Netbeans installer of your choice for Linux. If you chose Netbeans IDE Java SE you should get the file: Now start the installer, setting… Read More »

Bad Coding Style (I)

By | February 12, 2018

Look at the following PHP code snipped. It's a function which calculates the product of its two arguments and returns the result if both arguments are of type integer. Otherwise the function returns false. So far so good. The function does what it should do, and I have seen a lot of functions written this… Read More »